In 3 years, CINÉCRÉATIS, a school of cinema in Nantes, Lyon and Montpellier, provides a training course leading to a career in the cinema and audiovisual industry.
During one and a half year, the training is multi-purpose, allowing the student to specify his / her choice regarding the professional career he / she wants to pursue (production, image or post-production), while acquiring a solid knowledge of the entire film production chain.
The educational team of our audiovisual school, made up of professionals with over 16 years of teaching experience, has slowly built up a training programme in which high-quality technical learning is enhanced, nourished and enriched by a solid general education.
The school life and the individualised monitoring of students require rigour, method and discipline, just like the collaborative and creative professions of the film and audiovisual industry.
This training, which leads to a Level 6 RNCP title (equivalent to Bac+3), and entitled “Audiovisual Director / Designer” (April 5th 2012 Decreen published in the Official Journal of April 14th 2012) is aimed at students with a High School Diploma, who are sensitive to the audiovisual world and wish to develop their artistic and technical skills.
It enables them to master the different stages of the design of an audiovisual project, from scriptwriting to video shooting and editing techniques, as well as sound and production issues.