Because we are aware of our environmental and energy responsibility, the Icônes network is committed to an eco-responsible and sustainable approach. Therefore, all our buildings are designed with regard to their energy efficiency, in keeping with the Thermal Regulations 2012.
The Icônes schools, due to the size of their campus and the student residences within them, are major economic players. Therefore, aware that this status entails responsibilities, we carry out tangible actions in order to reduce our impact on the environment.
For example, our campuses only integrate low-energy consumption buildings, certified RT2012, which meet the energy efficiency criteria set out in the Environment Grenelle commitments, designed to ensure a successful energy transition.
In a very practical way, this translates into significantly reduced consumption of heating, air conditioning, hot water production and lighting in our establishments and our student residences as well.
Our establishments have also initiated a process of reflection aimed at optimising the recycling of waste paper generated in the course of our activities, and at significantly reducing our consumption. In addition, we systematically carry out selective sorting of our waste and, to this end, we conduct awareness-raising measures for our employees.
Finally, both as part of an eco-friendly approach and with a view to improving the quality of life of our students, our campuses include several green areas. Patio, rooftop, facades, are all green areas that are part of the daily life of our schools and help to make our campuses pleasant places to live.
As our students are often particularly aware of the climatic and environmental issues at stake in our daily lives, our member schools remain open to proposals likely to be part of this eco-responsible and environmentally friendly approach.